Interactive Courses and Hands-On Training

Hands-On Training

Processes, productivity and efficiency improvements are defined on paper, but must be brought to life in daily practice. Success depends on employees and their quality of work. We generally believe that most employees try to perform to the best of their abilities and are willing to learn new procedures and practices in order to do so.

Theory and Practice

Needless to say, it varies from person to person how quickly innovations are understood and adopted into the work routine. Our experience shows that new processes are only accepted if the executing employees were involved in their creation. EPIC & I therefore considers it one of the most important success factors to not only provide the machines and processes, but also the necessary know-how.

Explaining, learning and understanding are, from our perspective, dynamic, interactive processes. We rely on workshops and offer extended trainings to implement the processes we have developed in a consistent and sustainable way. In doing so, we do not act as lecturers presenting theoretical knowledge, but align our content with the level of knowledge of your employees. It is crucial for acceptance, to highlight the practical and long-term benefits of changes to the company.

We see our training primarily as an accompanying service. We try to convey basic methods and field-tested standards in a tangible way. This enables employees to link theory with their individual day-to-day work.

Continuous Improvement

We often notice during our workshops that employees already have excellent ideas and thoughts on how to improve existing processes, which are a valuable asset for a company. The challenge is to train and encourage employees in such a way that they can present their approaches to their colleagues in a structured way and without hesitation. Nevertheless, we are not always the right partner to provide long-term employee development for our clients.

From our many years of experience, we have come to know many institutes, coaches and service providers who offer professional and state-approved training courses. Upon request, we can provide you with advice, establish contacts and work with you to select the training courses that offer the best combination of theory and practice for your needs. In close cooperation with you and your employees, we design development plans that promise long-term and sustainable success.

Aktuelle Vorträge

Neben unseren eigenen Workshops unterstützen wir diverse Vortragsreihen, die sich unter anderem mit Themen rund um Prozesse, Optimierung und Lean Management befassen. Im Jahr 2022 haben wir bereits Vorträge an der Maschinenbauschule Ansbach sowie am Max-Born-Berufskolleg in Recklinghausen gehalten. Am 11. Juli 2022 durften wir die Gäste der UKOM-Vortragsreihe zu unserem Vortrag mit dem Thema „Prozessoptimierung – Schluss mit Verschwendung“ begrüßen.

Wir führen außerdem in regelmäßigen Abständen unser Lean Factory Game durch. Dieses vermittelt auf anschauliche und spielerische Weise grundlegende Methoden aus dem Lean Management. Die Teilnehmer lernen die theoretischen Grundlagen kennen und wenden sie umgehend in der Praxis-Simulation an. Das Lean Factory Game findet unter der Anleitung von EPIC & I sowohl als Lehrveranstaltung bei technischen Schulen als auch als Praxis-Seminar für Unternehmen statt. Besuchen Sie doch einmal unsere Page und buchen Ihr eigenes Seminar!

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